Tolerant and reasonable

Californians who have been tolerant of those whose live styles greatly differ from their own--they think of
marriage as being between a woman and a man: husband-wife. The vast majority of adults in California think
of a husband and wife when they use or hear the word "marriage." This is not a problem, not a sign of bigotry,
not a show of hatred; it is simply a tradition that has been associated with all the major long-living human
societies of planet earth. And it is reasonable to give respect to the institution that has produced, over many
generations, all the people of planet earth. Is it not reasonable to have a word unique to husband-wife? On the
other hand, it would be intolerant indeed to adulterate the word "marriage" and remove that unique meaning
from our vocabulary. What could be more intolerant than taking away, from those with an opposing view, the
word they hold dear?

The wording that defines marriage in Proposition 8 is identical to the wording in Proposition 22 that passed in 2000. But Proposition 8 puts those words into the state constitution, where justices do not meddle. What are the words?

"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

Consider other things that have been written about marriage and Proposition 8.
Home page of
Restoring Marriage and Protecting California Children
Myths and Facts about Proposition 8
"Proposition 8 does not discriminate against gays; it simply restores the meaning of marriage and protects it as an essential institution that has benefited mankind since the beginning of time."
Catholic Bishops Support Proposition 8
"California bishops released a statement supporting Proposition 8"
Attorney General Attempts to Slant Election toward Opponents of Proposition 8
"In a review of the past 50 years of ballot measures, this is the only initiative among 250 initiatives that an Attorney General has assigned a negative verb for its Title & Summary."
Traditional Marriage
"In Genesis of the Bible, we learn that God created male and female: Adam and Eve. This set the pattern for God's purpose in the formal permanent sexual union, the uniting of husband and wife."
Marriage and Family
"God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. This is central to the Creator’s purpose . . ."
A Happy Family
Here's how you can get involved: Donate funds of, volunteer, register to vote . . .
True Marriage
A poem that borrows from Shakespeare's Sonnet 116: "Let us not, to true marriage, allow impediments."

Californians are tolerant

61% voted "yes" on 22

Proposition 8