The Source of Human Life

We owe our existence on earth to the traditional family union we
call "marriage." This formal relationship involves a commitment
between a husband and a wife, a man and a woman. Each of us is
alive because of countless traditional marriages over countless
centuries. This special God-given relationship deserves a name
unique. That word is "marriage." To those who want to promote
homosexual unions, please tolerate this traditional use of the
word that has always meant this relationship. Robbing those of
the majority of the unique meaning of that word will never make
us respect a live style different from our own.

Tolerate the sinner

Do not enshrine the sin

"Tolerance once meant a willingness to endure someone or something of which one did not approve.
'Religious tolerance' meant that Christians would get along with Jews, and vice versa, but it did not mean that the Christians would cease to believe that Jews need Christ . . ." ("The Religion & Society Report")
Likewise, allowing same-sex
partnership rights once
reserved for marriage is
not a license for changing
the meaning of "marriage."
Tolerance does not make something legitimate

Proposition 8