California Child Care
Child Daycare Long Beach
Daycare Long Beach California
"We have been thoroughly pleased with the level of care, love and affection that you have provided to both of our children . . ."
Child Care Long Beach
"You are an amazing family and have provided a warm, safe and nurturing environment to our children and for that we are most grateful"

In your own childhood, what happy times do you remember? Happy times are what you want your own child to remember, right? We at Whitcomb Family Daycare work to provide children positive experiences . . .
Phone Gladys Whitcomb: 562 427-6027

4503 Walnut Ave, Long Beach, California,
in the Bixby Highlands, near Bixby Knolls

California state license # 191604310
Child Care, Lakewood, California
Child care in the Lakewood area
Internet Yellow Pages
Lakewood babysitting or child care
Child Care Cerritos, California

Several things set apart Whitcomb's from other home daycares: free piano lessons and free chess lessons for those children who are interested.
Trusted by Parents
Child Daycare Long Beach
Preschoolers in the Whitcomb home learn a lot more than the alphabet before they enter kindergarten. . . . What about free piano lessons in this family home child care? The intellect of a small child is greatly stimulated by learning to play the piano. . . . And what about meal time? Are these little minds turned off during eating? Of course not. They are spoken to and given the opportunity to think.
January 11, 2010
Child care, for preschoolers and school-aged,
in Long Beach, California
State of California
California State Parks
Child Care, Cerritos, California